About this Blog

From Argentina, to Egypt, Ecuador, Europe, India, Japan, and even the Panama Canal, you'll hear about my exciting adventure stories, tips, personal experiences, and cultural information. You'll be able to read my stories about my Indian culture and the traditions and holidays my family experiences. I also provide a taste of the trips I have been on and some of the interesting people and opportunities I have had so far. I'll keep updating about all of my journeys. Also, take a look at the different pictures from all around the world as you go...

"Across the Seas with Suruchi".

For my specific stories and pictures, be sure to click the "My Travels" link below!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

All Packed and Ready to Go

The nerves are kicking in. An international flight? ALL BY MYSELF? gahhhh! (:
So my bag is like 40 lbs. I tend to overpack sometimes =/
I'm a girl, what can I say? Everything HAS to match! I'm a bad example when it comes to packing cause I always take to much. But hey, at least I'll be prepared! =)
I got a new Vera bag for the trip too. It's one that I can put across my body so a crazy Italian robber can't snatch it without taking my neck along. :) yay for adjustable straps!

It's always good to take this kind of bad cause you'll never know what it comes to cities. Some people are just out to snatch your stuff, so a bag that goes across your body diagonally will help keep everything safe. I also got a little nifty travel wallet from my best friend as a going away present. I'd recommend this for Vera lovers who travel! It has a place for my passport, ID, boarding passes, and other places for money, cards, etc. Another item that I would recommend for travelers, especially hikers, is a Camelback backpack with a little water pouch. These are really handy with it comes to strenous activities that require good hydration! There is a water pouch that stays in the back and is attached to a stray that comes out. When you feel thirsty, grab the straw and take a sip! There is no need to stop, unzip, uncap, etc. It's a really neat bag! 


Scout said...

Looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing the stories!

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